Powerful Banishing Spells That Really Work [ Lover or Guest ]

Are you in search of powerful banishing spell to get rid of someone? Do you need a spell to get rid of unwanted person like lover or guest or want to banish someone from your life spell? Then my easy banishing spells work like a wonder for you. My spells to get rid of unwanted guests, person or ex lover are true and working magic. 

You can see results within #3 hours only. So what are you waiting for? Consult me right away and ask for powerful banishing spell to get rid of unwanted person. Today I am going to share my #2 favorite banishing spells that work for educational purpose. 

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How To Use Banish Someone From Your Life Spells?

Banish someone from your life spells are used to remove unwanted person, things and unfavorable situations from your life. These can also be used to get rid of a difficult person, break up a couple or relationship and remove negative energy from your home.
But on the other hand, banishing spells can be harmful, and should only be used as a last resort. These spells can have unintended consequences, and they should not be taken lightly. So be careful while and before using these spells and should consult an expert like me before following the procedure. 

Banishing a person spells are easy, simple but very powerful and should only be used in case of other methods have failed. When Banishing someone, it is important to be specific about what you want to happen. For example, if you banish someone from your home, you may want to include instructions that they are not allowed to come back or enter your property again.

But it is also important to be aware that banishing someone spell does not guarantee that they will leave you alone forever. If the person is determined to cause harm or grief, they may continue to try to contact you even after being banished using the banishing a person spell.

spells to banish someone

Why People Ask Me To Perform Get Rid of Someone Spell For Them?


I have been casting spell since 1989 with my grand father and have achieved mastery in various Indian, African and Mexican spells. Everyday I get 8-10 enquires asking how to remove unwanted person from life or guest? I always guide and even perform only already proven spells that show results in 3 hours. So what are you waiting for? Do you also want to know the best spell to get rid of someone from your house or life? Then ask me right away. 

Why You Should Consult Me to For Banish Someone From Your Life Spell?

Get rid of unwanted person spells are some of the most commonly used spells in the today’s modern magical world. There are many different reasons why someone might want to banish someone from their life, but the most common reason is to eliminate the negative energy or unfavorable person.

Spells to banish someone that work can also be used to protect yourself from getting harm or to keep someone from entering your life. What so ever the reason may be, but these spells are powerful magic that should not be taken lightly.

Life has become very complicated these days. People just envy each other and want to move further while pushing each other. Other reasons are when people just want to interfere in your life and keep on creating troubles for you. This becomes real trouble when water gets over your head.

In that case, you need an expert of spell to get rid of unwanted person like me to handle these problems for you. I am going to give you the best spells to banish someone from your life and spell to get rid of that person forever

Important Things To Take Care Before Performing The Banish Spell:


First, make sure that you are in a calm and relaxed state of mind before beginning your banishing a person spell. This will help ensure that your energies are focused and aligned with your desired outcome.

Next, choose a place which is quiet and private, where you can safely perform the spell without interruption. Clear this space of any negative energy or distractions, and then light a candle or some incense to set the mood.

Once you are ready, recite the spell chant, focusing all of your energy on driving away any negative influences from your life. When you are finished the spell casting, take a few minutes to thank whatever higher power you believe in for helping you to achieve your goal.

Here’re Free Spells To Get Rid of Unwanted Person:

1. Powerful Spell To Banish Past Lover or Specific Person

To do banishing spells that work at home with various chants, you will need:

– A white candle
– A black candle
– A picture of the person you want to banish
– A pen or pencil
– A piece of paper

Start by drawing a pentagram (a five pointed star) on the paper with the pen or pencil. Next, place the picture of the person you want to banish in the center of the pentagram. Then, light the white candle and say:

“Con esta vela, consagro este espacio.
Que todas las energías negativas sean expulsadas”.
A continuación, enciende la vela negra y di:
“Con esta vela, echo fuera toda mala voluntad.
Que esta persona sea desterrada de mi vida”.

Finally, say:
“Por los poderes del aire, el fuego, el agua, la tierra y el espíritu,
Envío a esta persona lejos de mí.
Que desaparezcan de mi vida para siempre”.

But if you aren’t able to do spell chant at home, then you may ask me. I will complete spell for you and how you results in #3 hours only. 

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2. Spell To Remove Unwanted Person From Life


Now, it’s time to give some action to the idea and for that I am going to share the best spells to banish someone from your life:

Things you need:

• Paper

• Pair of Ruler Scissors

• Florida Water

Now, cut the paper in stripes of width one inch. With these stripes, you need to make a chain of paper.

It is advisable to meditate for 5-10 minutes beforehand to clear your mind of any other thought and especially negative thoughts and focus all your energy in one direction.

The main steps of the powerful banishing spells:

1) On the strips of paper write words, phrases, or draw symbols that correlate to that which you are looking to be free of.

2) Join these paper strips in the form of a circle and dab a little Florida water on the end of these circles.

3) Now, feel as if you are confined and stuck in this very circle. Try to focus your pain and feel it.

4) Try to focus your attention to the fact that how bad you feel being trapped and stuck in a place like this and think about how much you wish to be free of whatever troubles or worries are around you.

5) Now, come out of that circle forcibly as if you are snapping out of all your problems. You should intensely feel all your emotions, you may shout, be loud, cry or scream.

6) Once you do that say the following words:

Negative energy, you may not stay, I release you, be on your way, from here on out, I banish thee, These are my words, so mote it be!

Now, feel as you have been freed from all those problems and burn this piece of paper.

There are many easy banishing spells that I can give you to get rid of the unnecessary troubles of your problem by getting rid of the person who is creating them.

This is the best of them. This not only lets you feel the pain and relief at the same time but is also effective immediately.

With this happening you are going to get free of your troubles created by the person whom you want to get rid of.

3. Spell To Get Rid of Unwanted Guests From Your House:


Spells to get rid of unwanted guests are spells designed to remove someone who is causing problems. Often, these spells are used to remove a person who is not welcome in your home, such as an overstaying houseguest. However, they can also be used to get rid of negative energy in your life, such as a bad habit or a toxic relationship.

The effectiveness of spell to get rid of unwanted guests really depends on how strong your magic is and how much the person you want to get rid of annoys you. There are a few different magic spells you can use to remove an unwanted person, but they all require some consecration and concentration. 

Here’s what you need to do:
First, gather a few items that represent the person you want to remove from your home. This could be something they left behind, like a piece of clothing, or something personal to them, like a photo etc.  Next, light a white candle and hold the items in your hands.

Focus your energy on the spell and repeat the following words regular 11 days for 108 times:

“Lanzé este hechizo para eliminar (nombre) de mi casa. Ya no son bienvenidos aquí y deben irse de inmediato. ¡Así que lo más!”

As you say these words, visualize the person leaving your home. See them packing their bags and walking out the door. Once you’ve said the spell, blow out the candle and bury the items in the ground away from your home.

This spell should do the trick and get rid of any unwanted house guests and show you quick results within #24 hours.

But if you aren’t able to do spell chant at home, then you may ask me. I will complete spell for you and how you results in #3 hours only. 

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Powerful Banishing Spell
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 by James

Thank you very much for the powerful banishing spell. Its working as you suggested on phone.

 by Finch
Amazing spell

Your spells are amazing and worked for me. Thank you

 by Rizwan

Thank you very much. You powerful banishing spell worked for me.

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